Welcome to the inaugural post in the Veloo Foundation Blog. We are a small family run foundation about to be officially registered in Canada!! (Do I hear a Hooray!!! from out there??) I wanted to find a way to let everyone know what we are doing and, as I already have a blog about my life over in Mongolia, (myinternationaldepartures.com), it seemed to me that the blog format would match my goals exactly. So what goals are we talking about here? Well,...mostly, I just want people who are interested to be able to really see what we are doing and let people who have donated know where their money has gone. Although...I can tell you right now where it will have gone - to the kids! The primary focus of our foundation is to help orphans and other similarly disadvantaged kids throughout the developing world. And we pay our own operating expenses...which means that donated money all goes directly to the kids we are helping. Like these guys... these two are literally the poster children for the Veloo Foundation. I first met them when I was distributing some of the 3.5 tons of donated clothing we brought over when we moved from Canada to Mongolia. They live at the dump. Yes, the actual dump. Like everyone else at the dump community in Mongolia, their families make a living by scavenging from the rubbish. Helping them is going to be our first big project in Mongolia...but more about that in the next post. First of all, I want to tell you a little about us and the Foundation. We are, as you might imagine from the name, the Veloo Family. Let me introduce you to the Board.... Chelvan, enjoying some outdoor play at Fraternite Notre Dame Orphanage in Ulaan Baatar, one of our projects this year. ...and with a little one who will one day soon be attending a school in India that hopefully is getting a little help from the Veloo Foundation! Board members Jared (left) and Jacob (right) with some orphans from a Tsunami ravaged village on the East coast of India. Not one of our ongoing projects....yet. And again ... playing with the kids from the Metropolitan Police Identification Centre in Ulaan Baatar. Hands on helping is what we are all about! Especially if we can have this much fun doing it!! And me, Julie, a little more hands-on helping ....having tons of fun at an orphanage party! So that is who we are.... let's take a look at what we do! Help out the Fraternite Notre Dame Orphanage....it deserves a blog all its own! Coming soon! In conjunction with IWAM, we bring in and coordinate the distribution of hundreds of knitted baby items every year. We distribute them to the impoverished women and babies at the Mother and Child Hospital in Ulaan Baatar....again, the subject of a forthcoming blog. We also try to bring in and distribute warm clothing for the disadvantaged children and families in the ger districts and at those who live at the dump in Ulaan Baatar. As it is the coldest capital city in the world, warm clothes are always quite desperately needed... And last, but certainly not least, this year we will be working closely with a group of seriously disadvantaged people who make their living scavenging at the dump....these lovely kids are part of that group and the subject of the next blog. So....that's who we are and what we do...or at least, what we plan to do. And these two guys above ( and the thousands like them!) are why we do it. Kids should always have a reason to smile. So many don't, and we want to change that. Oh, and just so you know...this is our logo. Well, technically just the first iteration of our logo (it still needs a little work) ...and like so many of the things we've talked about in this blog, the story of this logo is quite something in and of itself...and I'll blog it one of these days. When I'm not out working on these projects. Promise.
Veloo TeamHello, welcome to the Veloo Blog. Here we will post new activities and events going on with the foundation. Enjoy! Archives
June 2018
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