Honouring Jean's Enduring Legacy of Helping Children
Jean a toujours été une personne drôle et dédiée à ceux qu’il aimait, ayant eu la chance d’avoir 6 petits enfants, il a toujours été celui qui essayait de les faire rire. Quoi de mieux pour célébrer la vie de ce grand homme que de nous assurer que nous continuons sa mission de rendre le plus d’enfants heureux possible et ainsi aider des enfants dans le besoin, parmi les plus démunis qui soit.
En aidant à améliorer les vies des enfants qui séjournent au Children of the Peak Sanctuary Kindergarten, vous contribuerez au bonheur et au futur de ces enfants. |
Jean Gastonguay
Jean has always been about fun and dedication, with 6 grand children he was the embodiment of making children laugh. He has always done everything he could to help make the life of children better and what better way than making sure we celebrate his life by making sure we continue his legacy and help more children in need, helping make a difference in the lives of children who truly needs it.
Helping out the lives of the Children of the Peak Sanctuary Kindergarten will be the perfect gift to honour his memory. |
Please scan the QR code OR click the Donate button below to contribute to
Veloo Foundation's Children of the Peak Sanctuary Project
in honour of
Jean Gastonguay
to help
Disadvantaged Mongolian Children
Veloo Foundation's Children of the Peak Sanctuary Project
in honour of
Jean Gastonguay
to help
Disadvantaged Mongolian Children
In this time of grief and sorrow please know that 100% of your donation will be used to help disadvantaged Mongolian children.
Please feel free to leave a message when prompted to as you donate.
All messages will be passed along to the family.
*If you are not prompted to send a message as you donate, please send the message using the form below and we will pass it along directly to the family.*