...making a difference one child at a time
Food and Coal Distribution Tsgaan Sar Food Drive Challenge
The combined efforts of schools, companies, donors (both local AND international!), sanctuary staff and volunteers meant that we were able to distribute Tsagaan Sar joy to over 80 families in the form of food hampers, clothes, wood and coal! This meant a celebration, warmth, food and family joy in over 80 households that would have had nothing. A special thanks to Porsche Mongolia for stepping up as a donation centre and for providing a ton of volunteers to help us sort organize and distribute to the neediest people in the community.
It took the combined efforts of a whole lot of people to spread the joy this Tsagaan Sar. Thank you to everyone who donated their time, money, food, organizational skills
The Love Continues - New Clothes for Tsagaan Sar
Because this wonderfully generous donation is a group of clothes that were originally going to be sold in a local designer shop there were a number of replicas of the same article in different sizes ... certainly made for a very coordinated group of children!
I agree with him ... two thumbs up for a fabulous day that saw SO many children get brand new clothes and the chance to feel like a "regular" kid!
Gatsuurt Company LLC Continues Their Wonderful Support of Children of the Peak Sanctury Project
As part of the winter food drive, we received an unexpected and generous donation of hundreds of hand made Buuz ( Mongolian Steamed dumplings which feature prominently as one of the foods of choice for Tsagaan Sar) for the children at the kindergarten and hundreds and hundreds of pounds of potatoes to be distributed to the needy in the community. We are grateful for such generosity!
As part of the winter food drive, we received an unexpected and generous donation of hundreds of hand made Buuz ( Mongolian Steamed dumplings which feature prominently as one of the foods of choice for Tsagaan Sar) for the children at the kindergarten and hundreds and hundreds of pounds of potatoes to be distributed to the needy in the community. We are grateful for such generosity!
Home Visits - the backbone of our Community Outreach Programme
Food & donation drives give us the opportunity to find local families who really need help and let us go into their homes to see what they most could use. For some of them it's food for their children or coal to burn, for some ( like the mother of 7 ...including 2 sets of twins under 3!) it's a cot and a bit of support to help her find a way forward. And it's always wonderful to go into a her and find one of our children ( in the case below a graduate of the kindergarten now in 1st grade!) hard at work on their studies! A very large part of our programmes involves making sure that the people who most need the help are getting it.